The benefit of online marketing is that it is much more straightforward than ever before. Massive amounts of data are produced every day, including marketing via email and Pay per Click Search Engine Optimization Display, Affiliates, and A/B tests can all be recorded and monitored utm link builder.
Here are some tips to maximise the power of your dashboard for web analytics.
- Keep It Simple
Keep your web analytics dashboard on one page to avoid excessive, or choose tools that have the capability of separating your analyses by tabs e.g. Bime has a grouped dashboard function that lets multiple tabs be made to separate analysis according to the need.
It is possible to offer additional insights and suggestions that aren’t only the charts can provide – don’t just leave it to viewers to interpret the information in a different way. Make the most of the available features like comments the ability to display, sorting and trend lines.
- Use Filtered Data
Filters permit you to block and include certain types of traffic. This is crucial to have an accurate view of your website’s analytics. It may be beneficial to block internal traffic, like this, or even website profiles that are solely used for testing This will allow you to make certain that you’re only analysing data from real users.
- Segmentation
Segment your data! Why? This will provide you with the answers you’ve always wanted and uncover subtle patterns or trends. It may be beneficial to examine the traffic from search engines and then examine the keywords to see if you can optimize the effectiveness of your AdWords campaign. Segmentation can make your data more clear and easy to understand in a precise manner, and allow you to determine whether you’re meeting your KPI goals.
There are three actions you can take to increase the effectiveness of your dashboard for web analytics. Are you able to think of other?